Seducing Virtue (Wicked Trinity Book 3) Page 20
She rode me, swallowing my length and girth whole and repeatedly squeezed and released me.
I groaned against her hand. She pushed against me, her warm body and her breasts mashed against my chest.
The smell her perfume and the aroma of the slickness between her thighs intoxicated me. I closed my eyes and grappled for less sexual thoughts. The tight warmth teasing me, coercing me to let go before I was ready, had become impossible.
“Don’t come. Don’t…come,” she demanded as she slammed down hard on my lap. “If you come, I’ll stop.” She released me a little, allowing me to look at her; it was barely a task I could accomplish.
She squeezed me like a warm heating blanket and hugged me so tightly she yanked at my cock when she slid upward. I scanned down her neck, watching her breasts bounce underneath the thin material, tempting the cotton and revealing a part of her nipples. I pressed my lips together beneath her hand, fighting against feeling powerless. I couldn’t touch her. I couldn’t come. I couldn’t taste her. I was in a place worse than purgatory.
She shivered against me, and her pussy clenched firmly around me, pushing me out and taking me back in with every rock up and down on my lap. The friction and the way she enveloped me.
My mouth opened to suck in more air because she’d stolen it from me. If she didn’t get off my lap soon, I was going to blow. My mind was fuddling ever so slowly, plucking what little control I held out of my grasp.
I opened my mouth to take in air since my nose was rendered insufficient. She bounced faster, reaching a stride that sent me free falling. I groaned against her hand and closed my eyes, disallowing her from seeing exactly what her relentless pace did to me.
“Braedan,” she called out and quivered in my lap. She sank against me, her bare breasts rubbed against my chest having escaped the confines of her shirt. Removing her hand from my mouth, she wrapped herself around me and convulsed with fervor.
Her breath was heady and untamed as she slipped her head from my neck, and placed her mouth within a breath of mine. She combed her fingers through my hair and stared at me.
I lifted my head, nearing to kiss her and she arched her back, preventing me from kissing her.
“Don’t speak,” she whispered. “Did you come?”
She would’ve known if I had. Instead of arguing with her, I moved my head from side to side.
“Did you want to?”
I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth, playing her game and nodded.
She looked down at my hands, no doubt noticing that my fingernails had dug through the cheap material and shredded it.
“I’m not sorry,” she whispered with a smirk and slipped off my lap. I looked down at my cock, wet with her juices and her climax, throbbing for more.
She backed away, lifting her dress to show me her juices dripping down her thighs. “Do you want more?”
I lowered my lids at her, using a tone on her I hadn’t used since we were at Rebirth. “Yes.”
Her eyes became alert and she dropped her dress to fall down her body and rustle to the floor.
I stood and she jerked backward.
“You can’t have more,” she said, apprehensively running her hands down her breasts and brushing her palms against her nipples turning them into hard pebbles. Her hands continuously slid down and with two fingers she spread herself for me.
I couldn't help but smile.
This was the woman I uncovered.
I TRAPPED THE monster with a lure, and I wanted to see how sharp his fangs were. I wanted to see if I could evoke the man who terrorized me and reveal the real Braedan. He’d enticed me and made me feel closer to him than I had ever been with anyone else.
My fear was real. My apprehension was real. Braedan had cracked open my safe place and everything that was once encased inside was spilling out, waiting for him to rob me of it.
It could’ve been likely that I needed the man he showed me at Rebirth to reappear and help me close myself to him again. But as I stared at his darkening eyes, he hadn’t yet touched the man I met at Rebirth.
Smiling crookedly, he flopped back on the bed, naked with his arm behind his head and reached for the remote. “Goodnight, Keaton.”
I looked down over at him. The loud roar of the television began to echo throughout the room.
“That’s it?”
“What more did you expect?” he asked with a raised brow, his grin deepening.
Fine. I folded my arms and waltzed over to the double bed. I slipped down on top of the covers with my legs spread and waited.
And waited.
Eventually, the television was shut off and Braedan rolled, over settling into bed, appearing to fall asleep.
With a sigh, I wiggled over to him, putting my arms around him. He revealed he wasn’t asleep at all when he knotted his hand into mine.
My sharp gasp stunned me awake. Immediately, the whole scene felt off. My vision was draped in white, muffling the sights and views around me. I wasn’t sure if I was awake or still in a dream when I heard a muffled slam. Commotion told me there was more than one person in the room. A healthy amount of panic made me hyperaware. My arms were bound behind me. I was sprawled on a ground without carpet—on hardwood floor. Assuming Noah had somehow gotten to me, I opened my mouth to scream.
“Hush now, child. We don’t mean to hurt you.” A man’s voice and face, shielded by what I assumed was a white gauzy hood over my head, threw me into confusion.
The hood was removed, revealing my circumstances. As I blinked to focus, I vaguely recognized the scenes surrounding me. It was so familiar, yet not. A church that had long lost its congregation. The stained glass windows were a familiar scene indicating we were back at the compound.
At the altar, Braedan was naked and bound by chains around his wrists and ankles, affixed to a St. Andrews cross. Men in pastoral robes chanted unfamiliar prayers.
I tried to scream, but my mouth was covered by the man beside me. His massive hand silenced me and pinned in place.
“I scarcely believed it when I was told,” spoke the man in robes who stood in front of Braedan. “You’ve been out in the secular world and embraced the demon whom lives inside you.”
Braedan blinked as if fending off the influence of a drug they gave him.
I couldn’t understand. He had the best security. Why was this allowed to happen? How did his past manage to catch up to us so easily?
I began to think it was my fault. I asked him to return to his home, and the men holding him hostage might’ve been here, hiding and waiting.
“Your father warned us if his prophet wasn’t our ruler, or if he ever met his demise, our prosperity would falter. Pastor Magnus was right. Our harvest hasn’t been fruitful. Our bank accounts have been emptied. We need the return of the prophet, and that’s you, Shiloh. We’re all here in service to you. We’re going to make you whole again, the way your father instructed us to. We’re going to remove the demon from your soul and make you the man you were born to be.” The pastor in white robes set starkly against the men in black robes nodded to each other. The man in a white robe retrieved a steel cylinder from the pulpit. The strange men began to chant another prayer as the pastor moved toward Braedan.
I shook my head, hoping it was all a dream and I’d wake up next to Braedan. I struggled to no purpose. As I watched the man in the white robe approach Braedan, I screamed, hoping someone would save us.
The man next to me kept his hand over my mouth and was met with teeth. He drew back his hand, staring at me in awe. The scene in front of me was unaffected by my struggle. Only subtle huffs indicated the men had gone forward with “regulating” Braedan. He remained strong, never expressing his pain, never allowing the monsters to fully enact their nightmare.
A blow to my face sent me backward. I blinked up at the man standing over me, the one who once assured me. “How dare you do that to me? I don’t care what Noah has said must be done with you. You are an evil woman who corrupted our profi
t. You must be cleansed.”
Noah. My limbs shook with an anger I didn’t know was possible. He had somehow exploited a vulnerability in Braedan’s security and sought to have him destroyed before my very eyes. I wept for Braedan. Behind the darkness I was too much of a coward to reappear out of, my heart and body broke for him.
He was destroyed by the cult, only to have them catch up to him and seek to destroy him when he was trying to become someone better.
I fluttered my eyes around, and saw a stark shift in Braedan and a renewed strength. He gripped the chains above him, squinting against the pain inflicted by the man thrusting behind him. He closed his eyes for a moment too long. When he did it again, his eyes piercing and begging me, I understood his message and did as told, closing my eyes.
IT WAS THE second decision to torment me. The first was dropped on my lap, reminding me of the man I wanted a departure from—the one who would do anything to place myself in the prime location to be Keaton’s everything. The man I once was spoke the loudest, and when I was called in the middle of the night by one of my security officials, indicating it was time and the people I hired were waiting for me, to do what they were once hired to do, I made a regretful decision to allow them to enter.
What I was met with wasn’t the rouse I expected. I underestimated my brother and the many things he was willing to do. I discounted him discovering my identity before I was prepared, and allowed people into my life who I’d rather never encounter. They meant to retrain me in their most brutal way and coerce me into mastering my birthright.
Parts of me tore apart into pieces, preventing me from being whole as I was regulated in the most severe way for men who committed the greatest crime: dereliction of duty.
A large internal mass was shell shocked and wanted to crumble apart until I was nothing but dark grit, easily blown away with a force of wind. Slices of my past reminded me that I’d overcome worse. Things I’d never shared with anyone. Things my brain had darkened and shaded away from my memories to prevent reliving the horrors. I grasped and held onto them to persevere. It wouldn’t have been the first time, and it wouldn’t be the time to break me. I’d endured far greater crimes against my body.
In the moments I endured the pain, I gained something in the aftermath. The man who fell apart when faced with the slightest of adversity had died. Reborn in his place was a man who would endure it all, even if it meant erasing the ordeal from my memories.
It never happened.
The sight of Keaton being stricken down by a man who should have never gained access to touch her fueled the adrenaline rush and renewed my strength. When her eyes were closed, the training I endured to prepare for the moment was enacted. Holding my body by my chains, I moved forward, separating from the man wielding the most pain behind me. I wrapped my legs around the nearest man I could find. He struggled and tumbled. The set of wood planks I was fixed to came apart from the floor.
I slid my arms up and out, disengaging myself and squeezed my legs around the man beneath me until his breaths were no more. I staggered to stand, facing down the men behind me, prepared to tear them apart with my bare hands, and their shock allowed it.
The blood of four men dressed my trembling hands. The men who assaulted me were at my feet, listless after having been sent to their maker with the brawn of my body, and the brutality of my most desired feat: revenge.
My steps padded over their bodies, approaching Keaton as she huddled next to the door, her hands covering her face. My one true fear was on the verge of being realized. If when Keaton opened her eyes and the look darkening her gaze fell similar to the one she held at Rebirth, everything I wished out of existence would no longer remain apparitions of a nightmare long forgotten.
“Keaton,” I rasped, struggling to hold my breaths after my exertion to stand before her.
Her hands slowly fell from her face. Tears streamed down at the sight of blood trickling down the inside of my legs. To keep her worries at bay, I tore the robe off the man who stood beside her and dared to hit her, and used it to cover myself. Relief washed over her features when her red-speckled eyes settled on my face.
She bolted upright, pressing her trembling body against mine. Her arms surrounded me, pushing into my wounded skin as though she never intended to let me go. She shuddered in my arms, sobbing my name.
“It’s all right,” I assured her, pressing my palms against the back of her head.
She seemed less than enthused to part from me. She shook her head. “With all those monsters did to you, how can you think that? It’s not right. Nothing that cult has put you through is all right.”
I glanced at the carnage behind me, wondering if she bore witness to all of what I endured, the assault on my body, and the revenge I inflicted on my tormentors, and assumed the monster I was forced to adopt had made a return.
“How did this happen? With your security—”
“It was my mistake. I assumed wrongly about when and how my brother would make his next move, and inadvertently allowed them to breach my security team.” I turned from her, preventing her from seeing the pain strangling me. “I have one more man to take care of.” I pointed a glance to the man beside her. “Will you allow me that?”
With reluctance, she turned her back on the man.
I fended off the tinges of pain to move hotels and make plans to charter an immediate flight to return to D.C. The hours of waiting for a chartered flight to return to Keaton’s home appeared to fall short of the time she needed to prepare for what would follow.
Soft tapping on the open bathroom door inside our new hotel suite, near the airport, alerted me to Keaton’s presence beyond the door.
“You don’t have to knock.”
Timid in her actions, she opened the door a little further and measured her steps. She sat on the edge of the tub, staring at the unknown. “I have no idea what to say.”
“I don’t need you to say anything.” Gentle in my words and actions, my damp hand rooted for hers and was met with a receptive open palm.
She turned, dipping her toes into the warm water of the basin she forced me into the minute she witnessed me cringe when we arrived at the suite. She shared the remedy she used to alleviate the pain Gregory had left her with the night he brutalized her. The conversation served as a reminder of my ignorance.
“This happened to you because of me.” She wrongly pointed inward. “He knows you’re alive and he’s not going to stop until he makes anyone and everyone who means anything to me pay. Maybe I should—I’ve been thinking I should give myself to him.”
“No.” My curtness and the firming of my hand on hers cut her to the quick.
She sat a little straighter, her glossy gaze straining to engage with me. “He’s going to take more from me until I do. I’m the common denominator in everything. If I have to forfeit my life to protect the ones I love, then that’s what I’ll do.”
I clutched her waist, pulling her into the tub to straddle me. “It wouldn’t make me much of your protector if I allowed you to do that.” I held her closer, pressing my lips across hers. “Haven’t you seen the lengths I’m willing to go to, to ensure your safety?”
“Yes, but—”
“Shh.” I pressed my lips across hers. My hands were eager to undress her.
She disengaged her lips from mine. Her head shook with a dramatic sway. “We can’t. You’re in pain and I…”
I wouldn’t reveal to her that it wasn’t the first, nor the second time it had been done to me; it wasn’t the correct time. “It doesn’t matter if pleasing you brings about the most excruciating pain I ever experienced. I worship at your altar. I’ll confess my sins inside your confessional and repent for the wrong I’ve done, even if it means my destruction.”
THE WATER NOISILY slid from his body and he picked me up, carrying me in his arms. My eyes pleaded with him, worried about his need to heal while silently telling him he didn’t have to do this. The fervency behind his kiss made me forget. He st
ripped me naked and turned me toward the mirror.
I couldn’t help but watch as he entered me. His thickness was wet with my arousal as he pumped in and out of me. My attention trailed up to his face. His eyelids barely showed a glint of hazel nor expressed the pain I was sure he endured. His perfectly rose-hued bottom lip disappeared into his teeth. He stared into my reflection with an expression that was so palpable, gooseflesh marred my skin. He wanted me, it was clear. He looked at me as if I was his only desire in the world, and being inside me was his greatest pleasure and his medicine to cure what currently ached. My visual senses were made love to. My body was stimulated, and when he whispered in my ear, my mind was penetrated. Having all senses completely obliterated by him, I came.
I’d never felt an orgasm so strong or unrelenting. It numbed all the bad and turned up the intensity on all the good. In the moment, I could forget and feel, and it was something indescribable, transcendent, and sweeping. Tears streamed down my cheeks as my limbs became weakened with pleasure. He held me up, bringing his arm across my torso and transported me to the bed. I bent halfway over the bed as he continued to hold me, sinking into me with hard slams, winding around and withdrawing again and again.
With every hard and hurried stroke I ascended to a level above a plane of normal existence. He pumped into me as though it would be the last time. A hand surrounded my neck, forcing my back to curve and my head to tilt and meet his heavy-lidded gaze. He stared at me, solidifying everything he promised me with the sheer intensity of his gaze.
My head fell back and my body vibrated on a plane so high, I felt vertigo.
The sound of our flesh meeting violently and the welcome wetness of my sex bounced against the walls of the room. His sensuous grunts and groans met my whimpers and cries. It swept me hard and made me feel wet from my sex down to the crux of my thighs. He held my hips harder, slamming into me faster and deeper, ensuring I met peak after peak.