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Seducing Virtue (Wicked Trinity Book 3) Page 17

  “I don’t want you to go away.” Her modulations were almost childlike. “If you went away…it would only make things worse.”

  I clasped my hands together, unsure of how I should proceed. I’d never felt more out of my depth than I had in this second. My preparation and lessons fell short of preparing for the fracturing of Keaton’s mind.

  “You know,” she began with a wry smile. “I used to have this frenemy—”


  “An enemy that’s sort of a friend. We always did the same junior pageants. She was always the runner up to my first place. We were both going to be too old for the events; it was our last hurrah. She wanted to win so badly, she put itching powder in my bathing suit.” Her tender laugh was dry and suppressed. “I guess I showed her. I pretended nothing crazy was going on in my bathing suit, and I won first place. The look she gave me when I won? Priceless.

  “It burned so badly. I remember thinking the pain was the worst I would ever feel, and that what she did was the worst thing anyone would ever do to me.” Her smile quickly faded as her eyes glossed over. “I never thought I’d be this person, Braedan.”

  “No one says you have to be.” I slid off the chair to kneel at her bedside. My hand ached to touch her and lightly stroked the back of her head with my palm. “You decide how you are defined; no one else has that right. I’ve internalized every secret and every confession. It’s more certain to me now…you were never allowed to be yourself. You never had a chance to truly seek out your own happiness or to find your identity.”

  My hands slid away from touching her as she began to grimace. “If there are some things I’m guilty of, it’s being too trusting and too ignorant to know how to be the real me. I know how to be my father better than I know how to be myself. I don’t want you to face the same fate.”

  Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and the pained look in her face slipped away. “You’re not stupid, Braedan. I don’t know how you can believe that. With what you grew up with, I understand why you were the way you were. I remember what Nadine told me—things she said when you weren’t around—and it made me realize some things.”

  “You shouldn’t believe anything Nadine has to say about me.”

  “It wasn’t anything she said against you,” she added carefully. “I realized Noah orchestrated everything and everyone. His brainwashing worked on some, including me. I know he controlled you. I no longer believe anything he’s ever said to me.”

  “There were things I did that weren’t on his script,” I admitted.

  “I know that, too, and I always assumed it was the night you—you…”

  The bitter memory stained my past and blackened my future with Keaton, subduing my hope for a beneficial outcome when all was done. “I wouldn’t erase much of my past, but if I had the power, I would take back the night I…”

  “You wouldn’t take back what your parents did to you?” She lifted her head only a smidgen to express her shock.

  “No, I wouldn’t.”

  “I wish I hadn’t done a lot of things. I wished I said no to Gregory Mitchum when he asked me out. I wish I had listened to Jeff when he told me to stay.”

  “I…wouldn’t have let you go so easily.” I rested my hand against her cheek. She pressed against me, rubbing her soft face against my hand. “If we take back the things we regret, we’d have a different future.”

  She regarded me in silence for agonizing seconds. What rested behind her eyes was hidden by her cold gaze. She removed my hand from her face and rested fully on her pillow. “Braedan, what do you really want from me?”

  “I want to take care of you, Keaton. I don’t want to hurt you or coerce you into becoming something against who you are.”

  “Does it make it wrong for me to want to give you a chance? Or does it make me a forgiving person? Maybe I’m crazy. Only a crazy person would do what I did to my back.”

  “If you allow me another chance, I can convince you to never desire pain again.”


  “By making you see the good in pleasure again.”

  “You did. Isn’t that how I got in this position in the first place?”

  “So you did enjoy it?” I asked with a skewed and muted smile.

  Her skin flushed. A hint of a smile appeared across her dark rose lips. “I thought you could always tell.”

  I couldn’t deny myself from touching her. An entrancing pull was created whenever she was near and some form of me wasn’t in contact with her soft warm skin. My fingers combed down the back of her head.

  She closed her eyes, a peace staked its claim on her face as though the sensation relaxed her. “The flowers that were always on my tray? They weren’t from Noah, were they?”

  “The red was for love and the yellow was for friendship.”

  Her hazy eyes shot open to pull at me. “He and Jayme claimed he was the one who gave me those things.”

  I denied their lies with a shake of my head. Jayme shared my brother’s ulterior motives, keeping Keaton away from me. “I was told he gave you pieces of chocolate, but the flowers weren’t his doing.”

  “I don’t know why I believed it. He’s definitely not the kind of guy to give me flowers or take me ice-skating to fall on his behind a few times.” She closed her eyes, this time leaving them closed. “Why are you keeping them here? Why not show me that you are completely this man, the man I—and let them go.”

  For a reason beyond my comprehension I couldn’t present her with the news of Adam’s death. My current standing ground had become fragile and cracking glass; my steps had to remain light to prevent me from falling into black abyss, where my way back to Keaton was out of view. “Nadine clamors for my brother’s love and attention. She won’t stop until she receives it. They will ruin you. They will ruin us.”

  “And what are you if you’re fighting them at their level? You can be so much better, Braedan.”

  The question and statement stung me with a bitter bite. I couldn’t provide her with an answer right away.

  “Can I have some privacy please?”

  Hiding my disappointment from her became a task I couldn’t manage. “For your safety, I’m leaving the door open.” I paused as I stood, lacking the desire to do as she asked. “I spoke to your mother. When you’re able, please give her a call and allay her fears.”

  I walked down the hall and nearly ran into Archie as he advanced in the opposite direction. I briskly grabbed his arm, ushering him into the nearest room. “Did you happen to behave carelessly and leave the cellar door open last night?”

  “I was helping you to push your cause. Nadine dug a bigger hole for herself, did she not?” He scrunched up his brow. “Did I make a mistake?”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head and leaning my exhausted form against the wall. “Did you have any trouble moving Adam’s body?”

  “Of course not.” He crossed his arms, tapping his fingers on his chin. “Your mind has been changed. I can see the torment behind your eyes.”

  “She’s not ready. I’m not sure she’ll ever be.” I glanced out the doorway and exhaled. “My brother?”

  “Things are going as planned. He’s tried to make contact with Abigail a few days ago on her cellphone. He hasn’t contacted her since. He’s been very occupied.”

  The hint of good news put confidence back into my stance. “Things are going as planned.”

  “Indeed they are.”

  “I have to ask a favor of you. Marcia? I need her help with Keaton. She’s the only woman I would trust to look after her when I’m not able.” Marcia was the only woman I trusted outside of Keaton at Rebirth. The homeless rehabilitation program was the only thing I constructed and directed in North Dakota. They were responsible for housekeeping activities at the compound. Marcia was the first of many homeless individuals we took in and rehabilitated. Noah often treated them as though they were inhuman. Not many made it out alive.

  “She asks about you often at the office, I’m sure it
won’t be any trouble.” He held his tablet to his chest. “You might want to think about taking a trip somewhere when Keaton’s better. Noah’s very close to finding out the truth."

  “I’ve been thinking that, as well,” I replied.

  “I’ll get right on it. Is there anything else I can do for you in the immediacy?”

  I silently declined his offer as I retrieved my phone from my back pocket and perused over a newly sent message from anonymous.

  It’s time. Do what needs to be done.

  Sliding it back into my pocket, I directed my stride toward the antechamber.

  My steps were lead, and my words were silent. The fear stemming from Nadine was a thickening substance in the air. My attention was unwavering as I stood before the third prison and unlocked the cell. Abigail slanted her head up to regard me as she remained on her knees in prayer. Her prayers turned to pleas when her thick and short mane of gray hair was balled in my fist, and her body was dragged across the floor.

  Nadine’s hoarse cries became shrill screams, begging for the life of a woman she claimed she hated. I spread Sister Abigail’s hand out on her cot as she pleaded with me while huddled on the floor. From my back pocket, I retrieved a hammer. Lifting my hand in the air, I slammed it down on her hand, eliciting ear-deafening cries and the undercurrent of a grotesque series of cracking noises. Squeezing her injured hand, I thrust her back on the ground and departed her cage, securing the door.

  Salvaging my haggard appearance, I set my eyes on her round face for a signal. Through watering eyes and nursing her swollen hand, Abigail presented me with a covert nod.

  “She didn’t deserve it,” Nadine decried. “She didn’t say shit against you when Keaton came down here.”

  “Oh?” A grin swelled my cheeks. “You think she was punished because of something you did? Nadine, you still haven’t mastered the art of playing my game. At this juncture, I doubt you ever will.”

  “If I give you a piece of advice,” Nadine came to the front of her cell and leaned her body against it, “will you let me go?”

  Angling my head to the right, I clucked my tongue at her. “Why only bargain for your escape, Nadine? What about poor Abigail?” I looked over at her cell as she sat in the corner, nursing her swollen and bruised hand. “The bones in her hand are probably broken, and she likely needs medical attention.”

  Nadine repeated herself, further proving her selfish nature would never evolve.

  “Depends on your advice.”

  She clung to her hand, remaining wrapped in a dingy sheet. “You have to give her back her power.”

  Successfully garnering my interest, I stood at attention. “Go on.”

  “Do you remember what I did? How I got you all hot and bothered for me?”

  “Which time was that, Nadine? I can’t count one time with you as worthy of remembering.”

  “The night the first member of Rebirth was killed. Do you remember how I made you feel better?”


  “Do that. Give her back the power and she’ll fall in love with you so hard she won’t be able to pretend she’s not.” Nadine receded to her cot, wiping the cold sweat from her brow. “She’s already so close.”

  “Correction, she’s already there.”

  She nodded sullenly. “Congratulations, my advice and your way to fake that you’re not a psychotic—” Remembering a lesson she’d quickly forgotten, she immediately receded into the shadows of her cell. “I guess you’re doing what your brother couldn’t do.” Her words were lost amongst her heavy breaths.

  “Do you still want to call him the better man?”

  “No, Braedan. I think I can officially call you worse. Do what you want to me about that. I don’t give a shit anymore. Tired of smelling my own stink and waking up with my back hurting from this cot. Tired of your voice and I’m tired of hearing that bitch’s prayers every time I’m drugged to sleep.” She glanced at the vacant cell that once held her husband. “I’m tired of it all.”

  CONSTRUCTION OF MR. Seres’s—now my—home seemed to drag. The computers were set up and connected to the dark web. Requests began to trickle in with names. A few of the women from the community, who remained with me, were tasked with collecting the information and giving it to me for further review.

  I was missing the three people I needed to keep my new project above water. Syl disappeared to find out their whereabouts since their radio silence. Richie showed up every now and then with information when needed. Something I couldn’t put my finger on prevented me from trusting him.

  While it’s possible he was close to my father and a part of me recognized him, I couldn’t place him exactly where he proclaimed to be in the community.

  Bypassing all the chaos to visit the only complete part of the house, the basement, I pulled up a seat to engage with my newest source of entertainment.

  She hung from the chains, her dress soaked in sweat and stained with blood. Her face was decorated with bruises earned during my private time with her. Last night, Syl had said he had to force her to speak to Keaton when her calls became persistent. I was nearly prepared to congratulate him for having the balls to scare Brandy into pretending to be somewhere she wasn't, but again, I knew he’d never be able to do what I could.

  Brandy’s stay here was a little too convenient for me.

  “How are you liking your stay in my new home, Brandy?”

  Her body froze, ceasing its sway as she fought to remain on her tiptoes. Her head tilted down, she glared at me, blowing spats of air through her nose. The tape across her mouth prevented her from speaking.

  “I wouldn’t keep up that look if I were you.” I stood from my seat, adjusting my suit jacket and approached her, ripping the tape from her mouth.

  “You’re worse than I thought you were and seriously detached from reality.” Her cracked and dry voice expressed her thirst. “Not that I thought much of you at all.”

  “The smart mouth and your need to keep Keaton away from me haven’t put us on the right foot. You have the power to make this go down a little easier for yourself, because I know things, Brandy. Too many things about your mother, Veronica Mareaux, and what really happened to your father.”

  “You don’t know anything about me, just like you don’t really know anything about Keaton. You never did, and that’s why you lost her to a better man.”

  I began to laugh. “I understand with your ability to be the greatest whore in D.C., you can’t recognize a real man when you encounter one. Whores never earn quality men. I’m almost thinking this thing between you and me is about jealousy.”

  I heard it before she did it, and hoped she wouldn’t be stupid enough to follow through with the act. When a glob of her warm spit landed in the corner of my eye, I shook my head with a smirk and wiped it away with the back of my hand. “I was going to keep you whole, but now I think I’m going to split the pieces I cut from your body between your mother and Keaton.”

  “I’ll never…” She fought with the chains and brought her face closer to me. “Never let you get what you want. You won’t wind up in jail. No. Someone you should be scared shitless of has plans for you. You’ll never get Keaton. Ever. She’s protected by someone with more power, more finesse, and more deserving of Keaton than you. He’s turned Keaton out and she’s in love.”

  A smile cracked her face. “Who can blame her? He’s hot, rich, better for her than you, and…” She began to cackle. “I saw what the guy was packing.” She licked her lips. “He’s obviously not suffering from the same disease you are—little dick syndrome. You should know. When they had sex—everyone in the neighborhood heard how much he made her scream. The bed rocked so much I thought an earthquake came to D.C. But when she came downstairs the next morning…” Her smile broadened. “The friend you had killed? Sonja? Told me he had Keaton weak at her knees and completely strung out. And for the record, I made the connection between her and Braedan happen. He came to me, like a gentleman, and explained his in
tentions with her. I did everything I could to make sure those two got together. I wanted her away from you and with someone who deserved her. You never did and you never will.”

  My hand, still in a cast, drew back and landed on her face. Bright red blood pulsated from her nose. My body was hungry for more and I was unable to stop my fists from connecting with her face repeatedly. Her laughter was maniacal and taunted me. I needed to shut her up. I felt the cast begin to shatter. Pain vibrated up my arm and it was enough to tempt me with a taste for more.

  I could feel it in the way her lifeless body molded to my punches, denting her face. Syl and Richie shouted at me as they entered the basement. They weren’t loud enough to quiet the one word egging me on. Kill.

  A rush screamed pleasure to my veins, giving me a high no synthetic drug could ever match. My heart pounded for more, even as her face no longer resembled anything close to human. I drew back when her hoarse panting ceased and unlocked her from the chains. As she fell to the floor, my hand dripped in her blood and onto her lifeless body, staining her clothes.

  My hands trembled to take more life. I could no longer wait for Rebirth to happen. I couldn’t wait for the would-be martyr to realize her place.

  “You…killed her?” Richie tried to approach her.

  I held up my arm to stop him. “Don’t.”

  He sank backward, worried for a reason that didn’t make sense to me. “She was leverage.”

  “I don’t need leverage to get to Keaton. Besides, she was a gift, wasn’t she? She was mine to do with whatever I pleased.”

  “I thought…I thought you would use her to get to Keaton. I have a lot invested in you. We both desire different things through the same set of plans. This…” Richie looked at her body and cringed. “…puts a damper on it.”

  “I won’t be using any more third parties to get what I want. They’ve let me down. I’m done trying to fuck Keaton through the back door. It’s time for me to do something extreme.” I brushed my hands down my face, spreading Brandy’s blood on my skin. My ascent didn’t last long enough, and I needed something to keep me there.